Best Choice Quali-Pro T-Nex Plant Growth Regulator (Primo Maxx) 128oz, White (83013998) KEY FEATURES: Manage growth and improve quality and stress tolerance of warm- and cool-season turf grassesBest Value Plant Growth Regulators Primo Maxx Plant Growth Regulator Useful in the management of difficult-to-mow areas and can be used to minimize the need for edging turfgrassNufarm Anuew Plant Growth Regulator - for Managing Growth, Improving Quality, and Appearance of Turfgrass (1.5 lbs) Warm season golf course turf: Hybrid Bermudagrass, Zoysiagrass, St. Augustine sp., Paspalum sp., Kikuyugrass sp.CSI Tekko Pro IGR Insect Growth Regulator 16 Oz Can be used indoors and outdoorsgentrol Aerosol Insect Growth Regulator ZOE1005 Hydroprene 0.36%.Zoecon 10578 Gentrol Complete EC3 Insecticide and Growth Regulator, Orange Emulsified concentrate formulation that kills adult insects on contactAtrimmec Plant Growth Regulator Sold on AmazonMonterey Florel Brand Growth Regulator Residential Monterey Florel Brand Growth Regulator Residential 16ozGentrol Concentrate IGR Insect Growth Regulator 10x1oz ZOE1006B Description: Gentrol Complete EC3 combines an insecticide and Gentrol IGR Concentrate that break the life cycles of Germ
Quali-Pro T-Nex Plant Growth Regulator (Primo Maxx) 128oz, White (83013998)
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